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The TOEFL ITP® Assessment Series

Expanding possibilities through English

Select a topic below to learn more about TOEFL ITP.


Test Administration

Flexible administration

Reliable, convenient and flexible to use, the TOEFL ITP® tests:

  • are administered by your institution using your own facilities, staff and resources, or by an ETS Preferred Network office
  • provide scores for your own internal use to assess your student and curriculum development and are not shared with other institutions
  • are available in multiple test forms, allowing you to administer the tests as often as needed

Digital testing

Digital delivery testing and remote proctoring options offer a variety of benefits:

  • receipt of an immediate roster and unofficial score report
  • a paperless testing option
  • the ability to order only the number of tests you need
  • savings on paper and material shipping fees
  • the convenience to test from home

Test Taker Handbook

The Test Taker Handbook (PDF) features information on what to do before the test, what to expect on test day, getting ready for the test, score reporting, and policies and guidelines.

Testing accommodations

Students with disabilities or health-related needs

ETS is committed to providing access to test takers with disabilities or health-related needs by providing reasonable accommodations. Some accommodations we offer include extended testing time, extra breaks, a reader, a scribe for answers, braille, large print and a separate testing room.

Students requiring additional time

A student should be granted additional testing time for the TOEFL ITP test only if the same student receives similar accommodations for other exams and has previously demonstrated and documented the need for the accommodation.

Ready to get started?

Choose the tests that keep your students on track and give them confidence in their real-world abilities. Contact us today to order the tests or to learn more.