National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), part of the U.S. Department of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences
Core work:
Assessment Design, Development, Analysis, Scoring, Reporting, Program Management
In 2023, ETS was honored to mark its 40-year relationship with NAEP.
Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students in the United States know and are able to do in subjects like Mathematics and English Language Arts — providing meaningful results to improve education policy and practice for the U.S.
Our core work on NAEP has been assessment design, development, analysis and reporting. We’ve also supported the planning and coordination of the NAEP Alliance, and helped design and build a new assessment delivery system.
Many of the innovations and methods that ETS helped NCES introduce have been modeled by other large-scale assessments across the globe.
We work collaboratively with NCES to help maintain the program’s reputation as the gold standard of large-scale assessments worldwide.
Related Thought Leadership
Learn more about the work our experts do to advise organizations and governments on their assessment programs.
Research on Psychometric Modeling, Analysis, and Reporting of the National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP IRT
ETS® K–12 Student Assessment Programs
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