Mary J. Pitoniak received an M.S. and a Ph.D. in educational psychology and psychometric methods from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is an executive director at ETS, overseeing three areas: the Office of Professional Standards Compliance, which conducts audits of testing programs using the ETS Standards for Quality and Fairness; the Office of Disability Policy, which works with test takers with disabilities requesting testing accommodations; and the ETS Institutional Review Board, which monitors research with human subjects. Her research interests include standard setting, testing accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners, and computer-based testing. She coauthored the standard setting chapter in the 4th edition of Educational Measurement and coauthored the chapter on computerized adaptive tests in the Handbook of Test Development. She is the coeditor of the 5th edition of Educational Measurement. She is the vice president of Division D of the American Education Research Association (AERA), and a board member of International Association for Educational Assessment (IAEA). She directs the activities of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) technical advisory committee and has conducted NAEP-specific research. She has consulted with education officials in other countries about assessment issues, including capacity-building in India; standard setting in Chile, Malaysia, and South Africa; and an exam audit in Azerbaijan.
Last updated: 12/12/2022