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Combining Learning and Assessment in Assessment-Based Gaming Environments: A Case Study from a New York City School BELLA ELL ECD STEM

Zapata-Rivera, Diego; VanWinkle, Waverly Hester; Doyle, Bryan; Buteux, Alyssa; Bauer, Malcolm I.
Publication Year:
Interactive Technology and Smart Education, v6 n3 p173-188, 2009
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Assessment, Feedback, English Language, Mathematics, Video Games, Educational Games, Computer Software, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Computer Assisted Instruction, Elementary and Secondary Education, Case Study, Teaching Methods, Student Attitudes, English Language Learning (ELL), Blended English Language Learning and Assessment (BELLA), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Evidence-Centered Design (ECD)