Equating Test Scores SG EG CG NEAT
- Author(s):
Holland, Paul W.;
Dorans, Neil J.;
Petersen, Nancy S.
- Publication Year:
- 2007
- Source:
Rao, C.R.; Sinharay, S. Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 26: Psychometrics. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2007, p169-203
- Document Type:
- Chapter
- Page Count:
- 35
- Subject/Key Words:
Test Scores,
Test Equating,
Psychometric Analysis,
Linking and Aligning Scores and Scales,
Single Group Design (SG),
Equivalent Groups (EG) Design,
Counterbalanced Design (CG),
Non-Equivalent-Groups Anchor Test (NEAT) Design,
Anchor Tests