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Test-Taker Perceptions of the Role of the GRE General Test in Graduate Admissions: Preliminary Findings GRE

Cline, Frederick; Powers, Donald E.
Publication Year:
Wendler, Cathy; Bridgeman, Brent (eds.) with assistance from Chelsea Ezzo. The Research Foundation for the GRE revised General Test: A Compendium of Studies. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 2014, p6.1.1-6.1.6
Document Type:
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Subject/Key Words:
Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Revised GRE, Graduate Admissions, Test Takers, Attitudes, Test Preparation, Group Differences, Minority Groups


In addition, although most test takers view the GRE as at least somewhat important in graduate admissions, they perceive it as being far less important than other factors, such as undergraduate grades, letters of recommendation, and life/work experience.

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