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Comparing the Performance of Young English Language Learners and Native Speakers on Speaking Assessment Tasks ESL ELL

Wolf, Mikyung Kim; Lopez, Alexis A.; Oh, Saerhim; Tsutagawa, Fred S.
Publication Year:
Wolf, Mikyung Kim; Butler, Yuko Goto (eds.) English Language Proficiency Assessments for Young Learners. Innovations in Language Learning and Assessment at ETS, Volume 2. New York, NY: Routledge, 2017, p171-190
Document Type:
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Subject/Key Words:
English Language Proficiency, English Language Learners (ELL), English as a Second Language (ESL), Native English Speakers, Task Design, Non-Native Speakers, Comparison, Primary Education, Scenario Based Tasks, Error Analysis, Speaking Tasks, Error Patterns, Student Performance

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