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Intended and Unintended Deceptions in the Use of Simulations ECD CAT GBA

Behrens, John T.; DiCerbo, Kristen; Ferrara, Steven F.
Publication Year:
Paper presented at the Invitational Research Symposium on Science Assessment, May 7-8, 2012
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Subject/Key Words:
Simulations, Evidence Centered Design (ECD), Assessment Delivery, Computer Adaptive Test, Game-Based Assessment (GBA), ETS K-12 Center


In addition, we provide a framework to discuss variations in the use of simulations in assessment interactions. Finally, we discuss specific simulation errors that undermine intended interpretations, including oversimulating, undersimulating, uniquely simulating, passively simulating, and simulating blindly, and the role that ECD can play in avoiding errors. Examples of different simulations and their use in various environments will illustrate the concepts.

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