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Integrating Assessment Within Instruction: A Look Forward TEA CCSS AI

Heffernan, Neil T.; Koedinger, Kenneth R.
Publication Year:
Paper presented at the Invitational Research Symposium on Technology Enhanced Assessments, May 7-8, 2012
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Subject/Key Words:
Technology Enhanced Assessments, Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Teachers, ASSISTments, Artificial Intelligence, ETS K-12 Center


Such assessments provide information not only about whether students get questions right or wrong, but also on how much instructional assistance students need before getting a question right. This extra information facilitates more accurate assessment. We also discuss findings indicating increased learning from the use of these TEAs by students and teachers. We end with a discussion of what the future classroom may look like using examples of changes we have observed in the practices of teachers who are using our TEA.

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