Criteria for High-Quality Assessment - Policy Brief SCOPE CRESST LSRI PISA
- Author(s):
- Darling-Hammond, Linda; Herman, Joan; Pellegrino, James; Abedi, Jamal; Aber, J. Lawrence; Baker, Eva L.; Bennett, Randy Elliot; Gordon, Edmund W.; Haertel, Edward; Hakuta, Kenji; Ho, Andrew D.; Linn, Robert L.; Pearson, P. David; Popham, W. James; Resnick, Lauren; Schoenfeld, Alan H.; Shavelson, Richard; Shepard, Lorrie A.; Shulman, Lee S.; Steele, Claude
- Publication Year:
- 2013
- Source:
- SCOPE, CRESST, LSRI Policy Brief
- Document Type:
- Paper
- Page Count:
- 4
- Subject/Key Words:
- Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE), National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST), Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI), Common Core State Standards, Educational Assessment, Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Validity, Reliability, Fairness
Soon, many states and districts will develop of select new assessments aligned with new student-learning standards they have adopted. These assessments may include those created by multi-state consortia as well as other state or local instruments. This brief is intended to support assessment developers and policymakers as they work to create and adopt assessments that promote deeper learning of 21st century skills.