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Creating a Next-Generation System of K-12 English Learner (EL) Language Proficiency Assessments ELA

Hauck, Maurice Cogan; Wolf, Mikyung Kim; Mislevy, Robert J.
Publication Year:
ETS White Paper
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
English Language Learners, English Language Proficiency, English Language Assessment (ELA), Elementary Secondary Education


This paper is the first in a planned series of white papers from ETS on the theme of conceptualizing next-generation English language proficiency assessment systems to support the education of K–12 English learners (ELs) in the United States. This paper provides a high-level vision of such an assessment system, and other papers in the series will provide more detailed analysis of key topics of interest within such a system. The goal of this paper, and the series, is to present research-based ideas, principles, and recommendations for consideration by those who will be conceptualizing, developing, and implementing English language proficiency assessments for K–12 ELs and by all stakeholders in their education and assessment. We also hope to contribute to the active current discussion in the field on improving the instruction and assessment of EL students as well as contribute to bringing these ideas into practice.

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