Method and Apparatus for On-Line Teaching and Learning (Expired)
- Author(s):
- Ziv-el, Jakob
- Patent Issued:
- Oct 16, 2001
- Patent Number:
- 6,302,698
- Source:
- ETS Patent
- Document Type:
- Patent
- Family ID:
- 22948748
- Subject/Key Words:
- Patent, Expired Patent, Online Learning, Computer-Based Learning, Keystroke Log, Teaching and Instructing Students, Test Scoring, Student Responses
A networked teaching and learning system (1, 9, 29) having a plurality of student computers (9), a network server (29, 6) and at least one teacher's computer (1) includes comparison and evaluation logic (200-232) in communication with the student computers (9) for comparing and evaluating each student keystroke with the characters of an answer, if any, immediately after every student keystroke. The system (1, 9, 29) provides character-by-character evaluation for quick learning feedback for students, as well as simultaneous observation at the teacher's computer (1) of multiple student responses identified as correct or incorrect. The system operates (1, 9, 29) in a Hybrid Mode, which combines the Social Mode and the Self-paced Mode. The system (1, 9, 29) enables quick construction of various exercise types, the scoring of unanticipated responses, and the introduction of an explanation component in addition to a direct response to a question. Log-on methods for systems with multiple teachers are also disclosed.