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Measuring What Students Learn in College R&D GPA

Sandberg, Hans
Publication Year:
Focus on ETS R&D, n10, May 2018
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Higher Education, Global Workforce, Student Learning Outcomes, Grade Point Average (GPA), Workplace Skills, Test Validity, HEIghten


Higher education institutions in the United States face growing expectations to prove that their students are learning what's needed to participate in society and the global workforce. Today, over 80 percent of these institutions are measuring student learning outcomes (SLOs) in one way or another. Focus on ETS R&D turned to Ou Lydia Liu, Senior Research Director in ETS's Academic to Career Research Center, to learn more about measuring higher education SLOs and ETS's own research in this area. In 2015 ETS launched the HEIghten Outcomes Assessment Suite.