Prediction of Freshman Grades at the University of Rochester
- Author(s):
- Frederiksen, Norman O.; Olsen, Marjorie A.; Schrader, William B.; Wicoff, Evelyn
- Publication Year:
- 1950
- Report Number:
- RB-50-44
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 26
- Subject/Key Words:
- Achievement Tests, American Council on Education Psychological Examinations, Aptitude Tests, Class Rank, College Entrance Examinations, Engineering., Grade Prediction, Iowa English Placement Test, Predictive Validity, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), University of Rochester
The findings of this study suggest that the number of tests administered at Rochester could be reduced considerably with little loss of predictive effectiveness The best combinations of three or four predictors yield validity coefficients which are almost as high as those obtainable with as many as ten predictors. The overlapping among the predictive measures in the present battery is also indicated by the relatively high intercorrelations among various tests. The combination of Scholastic Aptitude Test scores with High School Rank appears to be slightly superior to a combination of American Council on Education Psychological Examination scores with High School Rank. Only for engineering students does an appreciable difference in multiple correlations appear; for these students, the SAT-High School Rank combination has a value of .56 and the ACPE-High School Rank combination has a value of .48. The correlations are increased somewhat for male science and engineering groups by the addition of the Rochester Chemistry or Physics Test score. The effectiveness of prediction of an appropriate course grade in each curriculum was also studied. For men in liberal arts, the Iowa English Placement Test is the best predictor of English grades and SAT-V is second best; High School Rank is the best predictor of this grade for women in arts. High School Rank is also equal or superior to any other measure as a predictor of physical science grades for men and women in science curricula. For men in engineering, the Rochester Mathematics Test is considerably superior to the other measures as a predictor of mathematics grades.
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