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A Preliminary Study of the "Social Situations Test"

Nogee, Philip
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Adjustment (To Environment), Personality Measures, Personality Traits, Situational Tests, Social Behavior, Social Situations Test, Test Construction


This study was undertaken in order to devise methods of scoring the Social Situations Test which might provide useful measures of personality characteristics and which could be tried as predictors of the Coast Guard criterion of adaptability. So far, at least, two of the scales, the AS and SB Scales, seem sufficiently reliable and sufficiently independent of each other to be worth including in the prediction battery. It might be worth-while also to include the SG Scale, despite its low reliability, and the JA despite its overlap of the AS Scale. Inclusion of all of these in the prediction battery will give valuable information concerning their relationship not only to the criterion, but also to other personality tests which were used in the pretest program, particularly the Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Test and the Tomkins-Horn Picture-Arrangement Test.

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