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Trip Report on a Conference to Draft Criteria of Good Citizenship

Diederich, Paul B.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Citizenship, Criterion Referenced Tests, Evaluation Criteria, Meetings, Military Training, Test Construction


This report summarizes a project in progress for the Armed Services. ETS's part in the project is to draft criteria of good citizenship to be used in tests of two five-week citizenship programs--one for the Army and one for the Navy--and to analyze the results of pre- and post-tests. The draft is to be circulated immediately among a panel of over 200 prominent citizens in the fields of education, public life, the Armed Forces, business, labor, agriculture, religion, law, journalism, women's organizations, civic groups, etc. These citizens are to mark each item on a scale ranging from 3 (essential) to 0 (harmful or dangerous) and to write in additions, criticisms, and suggested changes in wording. The list as it stands now is also described, including the main category heads--general principles, social action, social information, economic responsibility, international relations, and personal conduct-- and subheads under each. Implications for ETS include possible future use of this method of validation and criteria analysis--i.e. evaluation by prominent citizens in specific fields--and possible use of this good citizenship evaluation in future test development and research in social studies.

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