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A Conference on Factorial Studies of Aptitude and Personality Measures

French, John Winslow, 1918-
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Aptitude Tests, Conference Proposals, Factor Structure, Personality Measures, Research Needs


A conference on factorial studies of aptitude and personality is A conference of people involved in research involving multiple proposed to deal with "practical questions and needs of persons factorial studies of aptitude and personality is proposed for the engaged in research of this kind," and limited to use of one purpose of sharing information, finding ways in which studies of factorial method, namely Thurstonian Multiple Factor Analysis. An aptitude tests and studies of personality tests can be combined, and agenda for this conference is suggested to include the following maximizing the efficiency of such research. This conference would broad areas: 1) discussion of the goals of multiple factor analysis; deal with the practical questions and needs of people engaged in this 2) description by each participant of his or his colleagues' studies research and not in issues involved in factorial theory. It is in this field and how they fit into these goals; 3) description of proposed therefore that only Thurstonian Multiple Factor Analysis be studies that are particularly needed; and 4) practical aspects of used. An agenda for this conference is proposed, using the following setting up and interpreting these factorial studies. Broad topics: 1) discussion of the goals of multiple factor analysis; 2) description by participants of present and planned research; 3) description of studies that are particularly needed; and 4) practical aspects of setting up and interpreting factor studies of this kind.

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