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Equating of the ACE Psychological Examinations for High School Students

Angoff, William H.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
American Council on Education Psychological Examinations, Equated Scores, High School Students, Psychological Testing, Test Length


In the present study five forms of the ACE Psychological Examination for High School Students were equated--the 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, and 1948 editions of the test. In the experiment each student took one of the five forms or editions, and in addition, took a short 10-minute, 48-item form of the test, called YPEX. This short form was designed to parallel the long form in item content and in level and range of item difficulty, but did not contain any items appearing in any of the long forms of the test. In effect, it was designed to be a miniature separately timed form of the ACE High School Edition. Subjects for the equating administrations of the tests were approximately 2,800 eighth and twelfth graders of widely divergent ability. Data for the two grades were pooled and equations set up to estimate the mean and variance for the total group on each of the five forms of the ACE--for the Q, L, and T scores separately. For this estimation multiple regression was used, with the Q and I scores on the short form YPEX as predictors. The resulting estimated means and variances were then equated to yield the conversion parameters, enabling the conversion of scores on all forms to the scale of the 1948 Edition. The rationale for and explanation of the equating procedure is given, as are equating methods for both one and more than one common tests given to two groups. (JGL)

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