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An Outline of Gittinger's Personality Theory as Applied to the Wechsler: I. The Subtests Considered Separately

Saunders, David R.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Subject/Key Words:
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, Gittinger Personality Assessment System, Intelligence, Intelligence Tests, Personality Theories, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale


The primary dimensions of Gittinger's theoretical framework bear the labels: Externalizer-Internalizer; Confused-Rigid; and Unacceptable-Acceptable. Associated with each of these innate dimensions is a compensation dimension, which reflects the ability of the individual to exercise self-control over the weaknesses of his extreme position on the innate dimension. Among the remaining four dimensions, one deals with the direction of attention (inward or outward), two reflect learning, and one measures activity level. A profile composed of scores for these ten dimensions is hypothesized to contain a very large amount of information descriptive of personality. Operational measures, to a good first approximation, are provided by ten of the eleven Wechsler subtests.

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