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An IBM 650 Program for Paired Comparisons From Balanced Incomplete Blocks--A 5-21 Design (PARCOBIB-5-21)

Best, Phillip J.; Buhler, Roald; Gulliksen, Harold O.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research, Balanced Incomplete Block Spiralling, Computer Software, Least Squares Statistics, PARCOBIB Computer Program, Paired Comparisons


This program utilizes input data from a questionnaire involving 21 objects, arranged in 21 blocks of 5 objects each, and gives the paired comparisons matrix and scale values determined from this matrix. By the proper use of 5 dummy items, this program can also be used for a balanced lattice design using the input data from a questionnaire involving 16 objects, arranged in 20 blocks of 4 items each. The program will handle a maximum of 9999 subjects in a single group. Fixed point is used throughout. Proportions are rounded to four decimals. The approximation for the normal deviate, arc sine, and logistic have a maximum discrepancy of .0005 for proportions between .98 and .02. The least squares solution for scale values is used. Scale values are computed, using the normal deviate, the arc sine, and the logistic transform.

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