A Study of Changes in CEEB Achievement Tests Over a 10-Year Period CEEB
- Author(s):
- Mills, Donald F.
- Publication Year:
- 1963
- Report Number:
- RM-63-16
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 25
- Subject/Key Words:
- Achievement Tests, College Board Achievement Tests, College Entrance Examinations, Educational Trends, History of Testing
The chemistry, French, and mathematics tests from the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Achievement Tests were examined over an approximately nine-year period. Two forms of each test, BAC1 (1953) and KCB4 (1962), were included. The items were categorized according to the following types: recognition, application, conceptualization, abstraction, behavioral adaptation, deduction, induction, and process. Item content was evaluated with respect to the following educational objectives: memorization, concept development, developing generalizations, specific inquiry, vocabulary development, acculturation, and using context clues. For form BAC1, application and conceptualization items were most predominant; the most frequent educational objectives were developing generalizations and scientific inquiry. Application and deduction were the most predominant item types in form KCB4; most frequent objectives were developing generalizations and using context clues. In addition, a number of changes in the types of items and in the educational objectives assessed were noted. It was concluded that the content of the three tests has changed noticeably during the years examined. It also appeared that the CEEB Achievement Tests were able to measure items involving behavior and extending one's knowledge into new and different fields.
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