A Cooperative Evaluation Program
- Author(s):
- Diederich, Paul B.
- Publication Year:
- 1966
- Report Number:
- RM-66-23
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 30
- Subject/Key Words:
- Evaluation Criteria, Evaluation Methods, Evaluators, Informal Assessment, Junior High Schools, Student Evaluation, Student Records
This paper describes an experimental, cooperative evaluation program among three junior high schools in one school district. The purpose of the program was to replace course grades and report cards with measures of the major objectives of these schools within five years. In two years, it was possible only to establish the essential features of the program and to secure measures of a limited number of objectives, but enough to illustrate how the new program works. It is an ironclad rule of this program that no measure may be entered in the record of a student if it represents the unchecked judgment of a single individual. Instead, these measures are prepared, reviewed, revised, administered, scored, and reported by cooperative action of departments or teaching teams. A projected junior high school record is presented and the feasibility, ease and desirability of gathering the necessary information is noted. The following aspects of the program are then discussed: the evaluation committee, advisors, reports to the advisors on measures "for the record," record folders kept by advisors, major objectives measured "for the record," requirements for getting measures into the record, summaries, feedback into the curriculum, reports to the evaluation committee, cooperatively produced departmental examinations, and a second chance at taking a missed test or a test that the student did poorly on.
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