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Administrative Performance in Relation to Organizational Climate

Frederiksen, Norman O.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
California State Personnel Board, Office of Naval Research, Administrators, College Administration, Organizational Climate, Performance Factors


This paper was presented at the XVIth International Congress of Applied Psychology in Amsterdam on August 19, 1968, and at a Division 14 symposium on Measuring Managerial Effectiveness at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association in San Francisco on September 1, 1968. It describes an experiment dealing with some effects of organizational climates (an expectation held by most of the members of an organization as to a kind of uniformity in behavior that is seen as appropriate for members of the group) on the performance of administrators. There were three purposes, to: (1) investigate the effects of organizational climates and their interactions on the means of the dependent variables; (2) investigate the effects of climates and their interactions on the interrelationships among the dependent variables; and (3) see if the effects of climates are different for subjects with different personal characteristics. The author concludes that the findings provide a basis for controlling patterns of administrative performance and also support a model of behavior which involves many interactions of personal and situational variables as well as showing the possibility of still more complex models in which the nature of the interaction between situational and personal characteristics is itself influenced by situational factors of a higher order.

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