The Measurement of Academic Interests: Part 1, Characteristics of the Academic Interests Measures AIM PSAT
- Author(s):
- Katz, Martin R.; Norris, Lila; Halpern, Gerald
- Publication Year:
- 1970
- Report Number:
- RB-70-57
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 147
- Subject/Key Words:
- College Board, Academic Interest Measures (AIM), Career Guidance, High School Students, Interest Inventories, Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), Questionnaires, Scores
Part I: Data presented in this study of the Academic Interest measures (AIM) include score distributions for a national sample of high school juniors grouped by sex, ability, and curriculum (effects of socioeconomic status were found to be negligible): relationships between AIM and many other variables, such as ability test scores, students' ratings of their own interests, definiteness of occupational plans, years of post-secondary education planned, scores on information scales, and participation in nonclassroom activities; scale intercorrelations and factor analyses; internal consistency of scores and stability over periods of time. The psychometric properties of AIM and evidence for its construct validity suggest that it may be useful as a criterion measure. A self-scoring form of AIM is appended. Appendix D: Grade 11 norms for the Academic Interest Measures are presented. A random sample of 187 schools was involved in the norming study, and three instruments, AIM, the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, and a questionnaire were administered to 15,450 grade 11 students. Separate percentile ranks tables are presented for groups organized on the basis of sex, ability level, and program in grade 11. Access to the norms tables is provided by table 1: Tables A-1 to A-21 give subgroup norms formed on the basis of sex, ability, and program. Tables A-22 to A-27 combine program groups, and may be used if none of the other tables is considered relevant. See also IM 000 668 for an extensive report on the characteristics of AIM. (LK)
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