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A Critical Review of Research Related to the National Teacher Examinations NTE

Quirk, Thomas J.; Weinberg, Susan F.; Witten, Barbara J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
National Teacher Examinations Policy Council, Literature Reviews, National Teacher Examinations (NTE), Teacher Evaluation, Test Use, Validity Studies


A collection of articles related to testing instruments of the National Teacher Examinations (NTE) are reviewed. The report has been organized into four sections. The first discusses briefly the background and purposes of the NTE and the hazards of combining data on these tests in research studies. The second section is concerned with articles related to the concurrent validity of the NTE and their relationship to pre-service teacher preparation. The third section has to do with articles related to the predictive validity of the NTE in terms of in-service teachers. The last section summarizes the research findings. The report concludes, "perhaps more important than revising principal and pupil rating scales is to conduct systematic studies of the relationship between the NTE scores of teachers and average residual achievement gain scores of pupils in their classes." An 89 item list of references is included. (Author/LS) (52pp.)

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