Black Students in Predominantly White North Carolina Colleges and Universities
- Author(s):
- Borders-Patterson, Anne.; Davis, Junius A.
- Publication Year:
- 1973
- Report Number:
- CEEB-RR-73-02
- Source:
- CEEB Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 28
- Subject/Key Words:
- College Board, North Carolina Board of Higher Education, Black Students, College Students, Higher Education, Institutional Research, Minority Groups, North Carolina, Racial Integration
This study, a phase of the ongoing research by the North Carolina Board of Higher Education to examine avenues of and barriers to access to higher education in North Carolina, was concerned with the needs and presses of Black students in a range of 13 traditionally and predominantly white, both public addressed itself to the initial experiences of these students as well as to and private, institutions of postsecondary education. Specifically, the study their subsequent adjustment to the institutional environment. Six major findings emerged from the data: (1) The relative proportion of Black students of college age attending traditionally white institutions of higher education falls far below the corresponding proportion of white students in spite of vigorous recruiting efforts reported by these institutions. (2) Black students enrolled in white institutions appear to be attracted by such features as propinquity, low cost and/or financial aid, availability of a particular program of interest with definite vocational or professional role implications, and a conviction of quality of program together with a personal history of successful performance in secondary school. (3) Few Blacks students in White institutions reported any effective assistance or encouragement from guidance counselors; instead, there were many evidences that both Black and White guidance counselors were so uncertain about how to advise a Black student considering a white institution that they avoided students seeking assistance.
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