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Field Dependence-Independence and Psychological Differentiation: Supplement No. 1

Cox, Patricia W.; Friedman, Florence; Hrishikesan, Anita G.; Siegel, Kenneth N.; Witkin, Herman A.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
National Institute of Mental Health, Bibliographies, Cognitive Style, Field Dependence Independence, Performance Factors, Psychological Studies


The 392 entries in this bibliography supplement the items listed in a bibliography on field dependence-independence published in 1973 (see RB-73-62.) This supplement lists reports appearing between January 1973 and August 1974. It also lists reports appearing prior to January 1, 1973, that had not been identified or obtained previously. References are listed alphabetically and numbered consecutively. Following each reference citing an empirical study are descriptors for the subject population and for the tests of field dependence-independence and/or psychological differentiation employed in the study. A list of these descriptors or index terms , precedes the bibliography. Also included is a section listing unindexed references, those for which a copy has not been obtained for indexing. (DEP) (115pp.)

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