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Research on Women's Acquisition of Professional and Leadership Roles AERA

Lockheed, Marlaine E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
American Educational Research Association (AERA), Equal Opportunities (Jobs), Females, Leadership, Sex Discrimination, Sex Role, Socialization


The proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Special Interest Group on Research on women are compiled. The symposim focused on examining the factors which contribute to low incidence of women in both professional and leadership roles. Six papers present research gathered from cross-cultural, cross-institutional, intra-institutional, and peer interaction analysis. The first three papers analyze sex roles and equality between the sexes. The final three papers focus on how peer interaction socializes males and females to play different work roles. In each case, the papers identify a process whereby women are discouraged from pursuing goals and they seek to identify sources of change. The titles and authors are (1) "Sex Role Socialization Patterns in Selected Societies" by Constantina Safilious-Rothschild; (2) "Sex and Discipline Differences in Professional Socialization" by Lucy W. Sells; (3) "Socialization of Sex Roles in the Counseling Setting" by Johanna Shapiro; (4) "Perceptions of Freshwomen Dental and Medical Students by Their Freshmen Peers" by Harold H. Frank and Aaron Honori Katcher; (5) "Sex Status in Teacher Groups" by Katherine Patterson Hall; and (6) "The Modification of Female Leadership Behavior in the Presence of Males" by Marlaine E. Lockheed. (Author/ND) (146pp.)

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