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ETS Studies Related to Women and Education: Annotated Bibliography ETS

Harris, Abigail M.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Bibliographies, Educational Research, Educational Testing Service(ETS) Research, Sex Differences, Sex Discrimination, Test Bias, Women's Education


Educational Testing Service (ETS) research that is relevant to the concerns of women and the educational process can be categorized into four areas: (1) research primarily about women; (2) research focusing on sex differences or similarities; (3) research that reports, but does not focus on sex differences; and (4) research identifying methods of determining and correcting for bias or differences. The entries in this bibliography are categorized in the same way. Section I contains research studies that used female only sample or that gave primary attention to the educational problems of women. Included are surveys of women students, information on various test responses of females, educational problems of women, and other bibliographies about women. Section II focuses on male/female differences or lack of significant differences in various behaviors, traits, or abilities and in test taking behavior or test performance. It contains studies that provide evidence of sex-linked differential treatment for males and females, and investigations of male and female behavior or performance differences. Section III includes work in which data are reported and analysed separately by sex but that did not focus primarily on sex differences. Undoubtedly, this section does not include all studies of this type. Section IV, although not specifically relevant to women, is included in this bibliography because the procedures discussed in the articles can be used to help identify and control for sex bias and sex performance differences in testing and in data analyses of mixed sex groups or subgroups.

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