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The Use of Procedural Quotas in Selection

Breland, Hunter M.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Admission Criteria, College Bound Students, Higher Education, Prediction, Quotas, Williams College


Procedural Quotas, such as the 10% quota used at Williams College from 1963-73, where a certain percent of "high risk" students are selected by procedures other than those traditionally used, are discussed. The report suggests the need to address certain issues about procedural quotas, such as how the quotas are to be determined, what selection ratios are to be used, what the validity of the alternate procedures are relative to the traditional procedure, and what the probability of success is of alternate procedure candidates relative to traditionally selected candidates. Finally, procedural quotas are discussed in light of the societal trend toward more due process and the report notes that the use of procedural quotas in selections would represent one step toward the development of selection standards that could withstand the scrutiny of judicial review.

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