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A Diagnostic Measure of Competencies in Career Decision Making SOC

Katz, Martin R.; Norris, Lila; Pears, Laura
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Career Choice, Career Guidance, Decision Making, High School Students, Simulated Occupational Choice (SOC), Simulation


Simulated Occupational Choice (SOC) was developed to measure competencies in career decision-making. SOC is a structured, individually-administered simulation exercise designed to elicit career decision-making behaviors and enable those behaviors to be observed, recorded, and scored in meaningful ways, particularly for diagnosis. It was administered during three field tests to small samples of 9th- and 12th-grade students and later to small numbers of college students. It has undergone a series of revisions during its development and is still to be considered an experimental instrument which may (1) be administered by counselors to diagnose a student's competencies and deficiencies in seeking, interpreting, and using information relevant to career decision-making, (2) be used with small samples of students to evaluate a guidance program or treatment, (3) serve as a criterion for validating group-administered tests of career decision-making competencies, and (4) provide the nucleus for a group course in career decision-making. (29pp.)

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