An Annotated Bibliography of Tests of Speededness
- Author(s):
- Donlon, Thomas F.
- Publication Year:
- 1980
- Report Number:
- GREB-76-09R
- Source:
- ETS GRE Board Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 30
- Subject/Key Words:
- Test Speededness, Time Limits, Meta-Analysis, Literature Search, Indices
In 1975, the Graduate Record Examinations Board funded a small-scale project on the techniques for the appraisal of test speededness. The project was primarily focused on evaluating various indices for their potential application to the program and is reported in An Exploratory Study of the Implications of Test Speededness (GRE Board Research Report No. 76-9R). As part of the study, a literature search was projected. In the summer of 1976 two graduate students were made available to the project at no cost under a study program sponsored by ETS. The students were able to research the abstracts and to identify a larger block of approximately 100 studies broadly related to the topic. Many of them were fairly old. Because the search process had proved to be so difficult and because the topic is one of enduring interest to test developers and users, it was decided to abstract a number of these articles and to offer them as an annotated bibliography.
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