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Field Dependence-Independence and Psychological Differentiation:Bibliography With Index. Supplement No. 5

Cox, Patricia W.; Gall, Bernice E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Subject/Key Words:
National Institute of Mental Health, Bibliographies, Cognitive Style, Field Dependence-Independence, Perception, Psychological Studies


This is the fifth supplement to the bibliography on field dependence-independence and psychological differentiation. Listed in the present bibliography are reports appearing between September 1st, 1980 and September 1st, 1981. Also listed are reports which appeared earlier but had not been included in the five previous bibliographies. References in the present bibliography are listed alphabetically; they are numbered consecutively, starting where the fourth supplement left off. With each reference which reports an empirical study there are descriptors of the subject population and of the test (s) of field dependence-independence and psychological differentiation used in the study. The index follows the bibliography. The classificatory scheme used in composing the index is explained in the introduction to the original bibliography. A section titled "Unindexed References," which follows the index, lists reports of which copies for indexing have not yet been obtained. (AUTHOR/GK). (97pp.)

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