Spanish Translation and Feasibility Study of "Ranger Rick's Nature Magazine"
- Author(s):
- Shipman, Virginia C
- Publication Year:
- 1983
- Report Number:
- RR-83-23
- Source:
- ETS Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 366
- Subject/Key Words:
- Conservation Education, Hispanic Americans, Instructional Materials, Minority Group Children, Ranger Rick, Science Education, Spanish
The study was designed to evaluate the acceptance, appropriateness, and use of an experimental Spanish edition of the April 1980 "Ranger Rick's Nature Magazine"; to identify similarities and differences in the reactions to the translated edition of various groups within the Hispanic population; and to collect the recommendations for the Spanish edition from the field test groups. Researchers used a mail questionnaire to survey 2,734 students in 119 classes in grades 4-8 in 17 sites in 7 states, and conducted observations and on-site interviews with a subsample of students and teachers. The respondents represented three major Hispanic groups (Mexican Americans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans) in various socioeconomic groups, from different types of communities (urban, suburban, and rural), and with varying degrees of Spanish and English proficiency. Acceptability and use of the Spanish edition was generally high among students and staff, although the vocabulary level was difficult for younger students. Respondents considered the content, format, and translation to be of exceptionally high quality and most students in all sites wanted to continue receiving the magazine. Results indicated that the approach represented by the Spanish edition had merit, served many pressing educational needs, and should be pursued further. (Author/SB). (366pp.)
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