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A Profile of Preparation in English: Phase II

Carlson, Sybil B.; Ward, William C.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Board, College Bound Students, College Preparation, English Curriculum, Evaluation Methods, Experiences in English Inventory, High School Seniors, Test Construction


This project developed and validated a method for collecting and reporting information about students' preparation in English for college level work. Over 300 high school seniors completed the "Experiences in English" inventory and a questionnaire on their academic background, interests, and their reactions to the inventory. Additional data, including academic grades and Admissions Testing Program report information, were collected. Based on analyses of these data, the inventory was revised to eliminate some free-response form questions and to change other into a multiple choice format. Two prototype reports, generated from the revised inventory, have been developed. An individual report, for student self-evaluation, provides figural and narrative displays of the student's responses to 10 aspects of English preparation and a performance description in both absolute and relative terms. A summary report, for institutions, provides similar information concerning a group of students, but includes a more detailed numerical presentation of results. Further discussion is needed on the uses and potential uses of these reports. Normative information, information validity data collection methods, and report delivery arrangements need investigation before introducing the profiles as a College Board Service. Appendices contain the questionnaire, Experiences in English inventory, and Summary Report prototypes. (BS). (17pp.)

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