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A Look at the MAT Model of Teacher Education and Its Graduates: Lessons for Today MAT

Coley, Richard J.; Thorpe, Margaret E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Ford Foundation, Graduate Study, Graduate Surveys, MAT Model, Program Effectiveness, Teacher Education


In the late 1950's, following the intense interest and concern about U.S. education generated by Sputnik, the Ford Foundation gave its support to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, which sought not only to attract different students into teaching, but also to revolutionize the manner in which they were trained. This study examined two groups of MAT programs and their students—nine programs that granted MAT degrees in 1968 and 1969 and four currently operating MAT programs. Its purpose was to help teacher educators and other policymakers develop and/or improve similar models of teacher education. The MAT model was successful on a number of fronts that concern policymakers today. The model attracted academically superior students to teacher education and was successful in the proportion of its graduates who entered and remain in teaching or other education fields. The MATs rated their programs favorably, especially the internship experience and the academic course work. But, they expressed dissatisfaction with the supervision they received during their teaching internships. The MAT programs also had effects on the institutions in which they resided, many of them positive. (81pp.)

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