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A Study of the Comparability of Scores Obtained on the ATP Mathematics Level I and Level II Tests ATP

Cook, Linda L.; Eignor, Daniel R.; Mazzeo, John
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Board, Admissions Testing Program (ATP), College Entrance Examinations, Comparative Analysis, Equated Scores, Mathematics Tests


This report describes the results of two studies which were conducted to obtain information regarding the comparability of scores on the Admissions Testing Program Mathematics Level I and Mathematics Level II tests. In the first study, an experimental single-group equating of scores from a form of the Mathematics Level II test to scores from a form of the Mathematics Level I test was conducted using data from a sample of examinees who elected to take both tests at the December 1983 administration. The resulting raw-to-scale conversion was compared to the operational conversion which was derived from a common-item equating of the Mathematics Level II form to a previous form of the same test. In the second study, the relative performance of groups of students with comparable amounts of course preparation but different amounts of time since they last took a plane geometry course was examined. The results of the equating study, though not definitive, suggest that the scale of the Mathematics Level II test may be somewhat higher than the scale of the level I test. The results of the second study indicate that students prepared to take both tests are probably not disadvantaged by the inclusion of plane geometry items in the Mathematics Level I test. (51pp.)

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