Making Essay Test Scores Fairer With Statistics AP
- Author(s):
- Braun, Henry I.; Wainer, Howard
- Publication Year:
- 1989
- Report Number:
- RR-89-43
- Source:
- ETS Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 10
- Subject/Key Words:
- Advanced Placement Program (AP), Essay Tests, Grading, Statistics, Test Bias, Test Fairness
A desirable goal is to develop a methodology for scoring essays so that the final grades are less affected by when or by whom each essay was read. It seems sensible to derive such grades by somehow adjusting the ratings originally given by each reader. This essay describes one solution that relies on statistical adjustment. The solution is described in the context of a testing program that includes an important essay component, the College Board's Advance Placement (AP) Program. (12pp.)
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