An Evaluation of the Plan to Revise Special Education in New Jersey. Final Report.
- Author(s):
- Joy, Myra Ficklen; Goertz, Margaret E.; Bennett, Randy Elliot; Hoppe, Margaret R.; Gallagher, Ann M.
- Publication Year:
- 1991
- Report Number:
- RR-91-07
- Source:
- ETS Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Subject/Key Words:
- New Jersey State Department of Education, Educational Planning, New Jersey, Program Evaluation, Special Education, State Programs
This project assessed the process and outcomes of implementing New Jersey's Plan to Revise Special Education in thirteen pilot school districts. The study, which extended over a three-year period: (1) described ways in which the thirteen pilot districts planned for and implemented the programmatic component of the revised plan and explained variations in district plans and implementation; (2) assessed the extent to which pilot districts met the intended programmatic requirements of the new special education plan; (3) identified problems that districts encountered in preparing for and implement-ing the revised plan and the causes of these problems, as well as factors that facilitated implementation; (4) evaluated the impact of P2R on students, schools, school and school district staff, and the special education delivery system; and (5) recommended ways in which the state can facilitate local preparation for and implementation of the plan on a statewide basis.
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