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Profiles of Performance by Educational Level on the NTE Core Battery NTE

Powers, Donald E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Construct Validity, NTE Core Battery, National Teacher Examinations (NTE), Performance Factors, Scores, Teacher Evaluation, Test Validity


Several comparisons were made across educational level with respect to performance on each of the three NTE Core Battery tests--Communication Skills, General Knowledge, and Professional Knowledge. Various controls were implemented in order to discount selected threats to the interpretation of between- level test score differences as a function of teacher education. Several alternative analyses yielded results that were generally consistent with an interpretation of the Professional Knowledge test as a measure of students' knowledge of the teaching profession. A major limitation of the data on which the results are based was the lack of any specific information about the nature and timing of relevant course work. (22pp.)

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