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Research Agenda for the Graduate Record Examinations Board Minority Graduate Education Project: An Update

Powers, Donald E.; Ekstrom, Ruth B.; Goertz, Margaret E.; Brown, Shirley Vining; Clewell, Beatriz Chu
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS GRE Board Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Minority Graduate Education Project, Minority Groups, Research Needs, Graduate Study


This report updates the research agenda of the Graduate Record Examinations Board established in 1982 to address the severe underrepresentation of minority students in graduate education. The report uses the studies supported by the GRE Board, the presentations made at the "Minorities in Graduate Education: Pipeline, Policy, and Practice" conference, and other recent research to update the original Research Agenda. Included in this update are demographic trends and the factors contributing to the underrepresentation of minorities in graduate education. It covers preadmissions issues, admission and enrollment issues, the impact of test scores on the admission process, and graduate school retention and completion. This update also identifies critical areas for future policy, practice, and research, with an emphasis on topics not covered in the 1987 research agenda document.

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