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Knowledge and Skills for the Beginning German Teacher

Reynolds, Anne
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Subject/Key Words:
Content Validity, German, Job Analysis, Praxis, Surveys, Teacher Certification, Teacher Qualifications


The purpose of this job analysis study was to describe the most important knowledge and skills domains needed by newly licensed (certified) German teachers in order to perform their jobs in a competent manner. An inventory of knowledge and skills German teachers need to teach the curriculum was constructed through an iterative process by a national group of teachers, teacher educators, and administrators familiar with teaching German. The inventory contained seven knowledge and skills domains: 1) Listening Comprehension; 2) Structure of the Standard German Language; 3) Reading Comprehension; 4) Culture; 5) Speaking; 6) Writing; and 7) Foreign Language Pedagogy. Respondents were asked to rate the individual knowledge and skills statements using a 5-point importance scale, and a cut point of 2.50 (midway between Moderately Important and Important) was set to differentiate between important knowledge/skills and unimportant knowledge/skills for purposes of test development. Evidence was also provided in this study of how well each domain was covered by the specific knowledge/skills statements and the overall importance of each knowledge and skills domain. The results suggest that all of the domains were well covered by the specific knowledge and skills statements. Additionally, results indicate that all of the knowledge and skills domains were judged to be important for the newly licensed (certified) German teacher. Finally, suggestions were offered regarding the relative weights each domain should receive in test specifications for the Praxis II assessment in German. (JGL) (80pp.)

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