Graphical Answers to Scientific Questions
- Author(s):
- Wainer, Howard
- Publication Year:
- 1994
- Report Number:
- RM-94-09
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 9
- Subject/Key Words:
- Data Analysis, Graphs
The author has selected three very different examples of important discoveries in which graphics have played a vital role, in order "to counteract the common misunderstanding of the role of graphs in theory development." The three graphic examples are: 1) a map of the world suggesting continental drift; 2) photos of the hyoid (throat) bones of modern man, Neanderthal, and pig, suggesting much greater similarity between modern man and Neanderthal in terms of speaking ability; and 3) drawings of WWI airplanes returning bullet-riddled from combat, suggesting that extra armor be place where these planes had not been hit (reasoning that the planes hit in those locations were the ones that had not returned from combat.)
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