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Effects of Mode of Item Presentation on Standard Setting

Faggen, Jane; Melican, Gerald J.; Powers, Donald E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Computer Assisted Test Construction, Computers, Cutting Scores, Difficulty Level, Test Construction, Test Items


The objective of this study was to determine the degree to which recommendations for passing scores, calculated on the basis of a traditional standard-setting methodology, might be affected by the mode (paper vs. computer screen prints) in which test items were presented to standard-setting panelists. Results were based on the judgments of 31 panelists for items in each of three parts of a computer- based academic skills assessment designed for use as part of the teacher licensing process. None of the evidence collected˛either the analysis of panelists' estimates of item difficulty or their perceptions of effects˛revealed any differences in recommended passing standards resulting from the mode of item presentation. (23pp.)

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