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Job Analysis of the Knowledge Important for Newly Licensed Biology Teachers

Wesley, Scott
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Biology, Job Analysis, Praxis, Surveys, Teacher Certification


A job analysis was conducted to define the content domain in which newly licensed (certified) biology teachers must be knowledgeable to perform their jobs in a competent manner. The results of the job analysis will be used to develop test specifications for the Subject Assessment in Biology of The Praxis Series: Professional Assessments for Beginning Teachers®. The final form of the job analysis inventory comprises 189 knowledge statements grouped into 10 categories. This domain was subjected to verification/refutation through a national survey of 540 teachers, 227 college faculty, and 88 school administrators for a total of 855 biology professionals. The purpose of the survey administration was to identify a core of knowledge statements that relatively large numbers of biology professionals verified to be important for newly licensed biology teachers. The 160 knowledge statements that were verified to be important by the surveyed teachers, college faculty, and demographic subgroups should be used as the foundation for the development of test specifications for the Subject Assessment in Biology.

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