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A Software Tool for Rapidly Prototyping New Forms of Computer-Based Assessments GREB GRE

Katz, Irvin R.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Graduate Record Examinations Board, Computer Assisted Test Construction, Computer Software, FRADSS, Free Response, Free Response Authoring, Delivery, and Scoring System, Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Test Construction


This report describes the Free-Response Authoring, Delivery, and Scoring System (FRADSS). FRADSS allows test developers, who might have no programming experience, to put their ideas for computer-based test items directly onto computer. The system was used for the GRE Mathematical Reasoning pre-pilot and is currently being used for the GRE Engineering New Testing Initiative. The report begins with a description of the "niche" in the test development process that FRADSS is intended to fill, then presents several items authored using FRADSS. After describing the various components of the system (authoring, delivery, and scoring), the report discusses benefits of using FRADSS in the early stages of test development. These benefits were gleaned from interviews with item writers who have used FRADSS in their work.

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