Computer and Communications Technologies in Colleges and Universities in the Year 2000 TOEFL
- Author(s):
- Hansen, Eric G.; Willut, Candice K.
- Publication Year:
- 1998
- Report Number:
- RM-97-06
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 47
- Subject/Key Words:
- Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Electronic Mail, Communication Skills, Colleges, College Students, Computer Mediated Communication, Year 2000 [TOEFL], Educational Trends, Computer Uses in Education
This report attempts to anticipate how changes in computer and communications technologies in North American colleges and universities by the year 2000 might change the way in which students do their work. Particular attention is given to changes in the importance of students' communication skills (e.g., listening, speaking, reading, writing). The report describes the current environment in colleges and universities with respect to computer and communications technologies and examines factors that are necessitating change in that environment. The report examines probable changes in students' academic environments by the year 2000, with special focus on computer-based tools (e.g., electronic mail, productivity software, on-line services), instruction, testing, and institutional administration. The likelihood that students will use or be exposed to certain technologies in their academic work in the year 2000 is estimated, with attention given to variation in usage based on the type of institution (community college, four-year general-purpose college, or research institution) and academic discipline.
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