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Sex and Ethnic Group Differences on Accomplishments Measures GRE

Stricker, Lawrence J.; Rock, Donald A.; Bennett, Randy Elliot
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Academic Achievement, Art Expression, Ethnic Groups, Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Group Differences, Leadership, Mechanical Ability, Science Achievement, Sex Differences, Test Takers, Verbal Communication


This study investigated sex and ethnic group differences on measures of accomplishments notable attainments that have been publicly recognized for GRE test takers. Six accomplishments scales (Academic, Leadership, Practical Language, Aesthetic Expression, Science, and Mechanical) were studied. With the exception of the Mechanical scale, men and women did not differ in their level of performance on the scales, and ethnic groups did not differ on any scale. Furthermore, the factor structure of the scales did not differ in most respects for men and women. Concerns about sex and ethnic group differences on accomplishments measures are probably unwarranted.

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