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Teacher Quality in a Changing Policy Landscape: Improvements in the Teacher Pool SAT GPA

Gitomer, Drew H.
Publication Year:
ETS Policy Information Center Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Teacher Licensing, SAT, Grade Point Average (GPA), Teacher Qualifications, Praxis, Understanding and Enhancing Teaching


The past eight years have seen an unprecedented level of education policy activity focused on issues of teacher quality. Policies have been developed at federal, state, and institutional levels, and include increased institutional reporting of teacher candidates’ test scores, the mandate for Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) in the No Child Left Behind Act, more stringent requirements for entry into and accreditation of teacher education programs, and the rapid expansion of alternate pathways into teaching. This Policy Information Report examines whether changes in the academic quality of the teaching force are associated with this unprecedented policy focus.

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