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Relating Scores on the Test de francais international (TFI) to Language Proficiency in French TFI

Powers, Donald E.; Bravo, Gayle; Locke, Melissa
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Test de Francais International (TFI), Language Proficiency, French, Self-Assessment, Listening Skills, Reading Skills


To better establish the meaning of scores from the Test de français international™ (TFI™) as a measure of French language proficiency, we administered the TFI to test takers in six countries along with a self-assessment inventory to gather examinees’ perceptions of their ability to perform a variety of everyday language tasks. TFI scores related moderately to test-taker self-reports for both reading and listening. The trustworthiness of the self-reports as a validity criterion was supported by (a) consistent reports from independent samples of test takers and (b) expected correspondence with language tasks representing the various levels of the Common European Framework (CEF) of Reference for Languages.

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